UA Joins the Gilbert Advancing Education Leadership Team
The University of Arizona has been invited by Mayor Jenn Daniels of Gilbert, to participate in the Gilbert Advancing Education Leadership Team, an advisory board meant to advance educational and other like goals in the Town of Gilbert. Buchanan Davis, Senior Director for Municipal and County Strategic Initiatives, will represent the University and GCR on this leadership team.
This is a great opportunity as the UA recently announced a new Bachelors of Science of Nursing Integrated Health that will be housed in Gilbert, in addition to all of the exciting progress and growth at the downtown Phoenix Campus. For more information about this new program, please click here.
As the University’s presence in Gilbert and surrounding areas grow, the UA will do its share to be part of the community and to bring university resources to bear to help solve problems and otherwise contribute.
The focus on the last meeting was a new mental health initiate Mayor Daniels is spearheading that will include the education community. The group also received a education legislative session update from local elected legislators. Here is a link to Mayor Daniels Tweet on it.